Access Full 30 Day Challenge Resources

As a part of the 1k Fans In 30 Days Challenge, you have exclusive access to the live calls, personal help and advanced courses. Here's how you get even more help to grow faster!

Click HERE to access our music fan strategies course space showing you how to use ForeverFan to grow faster!

In our Course space you will get FREE access to:

  • 1k Fans in 30 Days: Our system for growing your REAL fanbase quickly

  • How to build a Brand Identity that fans actually care about

  • How to fix your Spotify, Instagram & TikTok algorithms

  • And more!

The course suite is located is located on a separate site from the ForeverFan platform, but make sure you use the same email to claim your account!

What is Skool?

Skool is a community platform that we use to host our private user comunity. You can discover communities or create your own


How do I access the courses and community? All ForeverFan users have free access to our course and community. To join, please click here and create your account. Make sure that you use the same email to register as you did for ForeverFan so that your application can be reviewed in a timely manner.

Last updated